We offer high quality, pain free, custom website design. Work directly with our account representatives to determine the best website for your business. We build your website from scratch starting with designs done in Photoshop followed by chopping and coding of the site. We turn this code into a custom theme for WordPress, allowing our clients to easily maintain and update the website themselves. Our clients love this option as you never have to pay for a webmaster to make a change again! Using WordPress also allows your site design to be refreshed at any time, without having to re-write or copy/paste your existing content.
Our Custom Websites may Include:
- Dedicated Account Representative
- Two custom design themes to choose from – Based on your objectives and design ideas outlined with your account representative, we will provide two initial designs to choose from. We then modify to your specifications the chosen design.
- Custom Coding – Once your design is chosen, we begin converting the Photoshop file into a dynamic website.
- Implementation – We take the final code for your site and implement it as a custom WordPress theme.
- CMS / Blogging – We proudly use WordPress as our CMS / Blogging software.
- SEO – Along with implementing your site we make sure to use SEO best practices so you hit the ground running when your website is launched.
- Plugins – We also pre-load your WordPress website with top notch plugins to help with everything from SEO to blog management.
- E-commerce solutions
- Custom Widget Creation
- Website Hosting
- Email setup